Naturally, I did everything backwards from Dianne, which you will see when I post my pictures next week. James' journey is fairly mundane in my eyes, where Nico undergoes this immense transformation.
In the meantime... (No, I am not following the book here, did you really expect me to follow the book? Do you even know me?) I will tell you the story:
Nico is a KNIGHT (paramedic) who gives up his knighthood to become a SERVANT (nanny) because he's lost himself and is seeking a rest in which to find himself again. He enters the CASTLE of the KING (James) by passing the test of the GATEKEEPER (James' PA) and is given the task of guarding the King's TREASURE (children). The King doesn't understand his treasure: YOUTH, INNOCENCE, SPONTANEITY, because he has set his own aside.
Nico takes the children to the WATER (pond) in which they find FROGS (symbols of transformation, hidden princes). James is displeased, but is convinced not to be angry. Later, Nico attends a formal BANQUET at which he meets the other nobility in James' realm and also eats the FRUIT of James' table like Persephone eating the seeds of the pomegranate. This makes him part of James' family.
When Nico is traveling with the children, they find an injured DOG (symbol of the instinctive and primal SELF). Though it is injured, Nico saves it and later convinces James to give the dog a place in the home, bringing in the unmediated self and giving it a place in the castle. The dog is also a guide to compassion and empathy, a connection between James' world and that of his children.
Nico DEPARTS the house when it is his time off and he ENTERS THE UNDERWORLD of his old life as represented by the night club. Nico has the choice between giving into temptation and partaking of the offerings there and remaining loyal to James. Because of his loyalty, he has maintained a CONNECTION to James (his phone) and James is able to draw him home.
The OLD KING (James' father) has lost his HEART (heart attack) and James must go and help him recover. He leaves Nico to DEFEND his castle and Nico must give James HOPE and FAITH to sustain him while he is gone. James is given the opportunity to betray Nico's affections by telling the old King and Queen that Nico is only a servant, but James cannot because he no longer sees Nico as his servant. James remains loyal and returns home to Nico with their bond intact.
Nico is elevated from SERVANT to KING when he spends an entire night in James' bed and remains there at DAWN (threshold, new beginnings, sun=crown). James presents Nico to the children as his partner and gives Nico an equal share in his TREASURE by doing so. He then takes Nico out into the WORLD as his equal and Nico's story ends with Nico having his new place at James' side.
[Photographs to come when I find my (@*#&$@# camera!]
The Story so far: Anah discovers that all her Tarot and mythology studies are good for something other than crowding her bookshelves and also loses her camera. She managed to follow the rules for one week and then blew it, but what else is new?